Obsessed with Game of Thrones

Yep… happened to me like it happened to everyone else. I’m completely and absolutely obsessed with Game of Thrones.

I thought I’d be able to resist its spell, but like everyone, I fell under its charm, and now there’s no coming back. I wanted to wait (just like I did with Lost) for the series to end, avoiding anyone who could spoil it for me (I hate spoilers), and then and only then, watch it quietly. But that’s something I couldn’t do with GoT.

Two people urged me to watch it, fully aware that I was going to obsess over it. I’m not going to mention them so they can boast about it!

First of all, I must admit I have NOT read the books yet. It’s something I promised myself I would do, but they’re over 5,000 pages long, and frankly, I don’t have the time for it yet.

My biggest problem wasn’t watching the series: my problem was CLICKING on Facebook links I should NOT be clicking on! Knowing there will probably be spoilers, I clicked on them anyway and landed on Wikipedia articles, discussion forums and Youtube videos.

I am now paying the consequences of knowing stuff I SHOULD NOT know, having info that’s not on the TV series, and since I haven’t read the books, there’s naturally lots of info missing. But hey, it’s completely my fault, so I’ll have to patiently wait for a new season or read all the books in the meanwhile. Knowing myself as I do, I’ll probably study Wikipedia from beginning to end.

Not only the production is amazing, the story itself is fabulous. George R. R. Martin (whom DID NOT produce The Beatles) has an almost endless imagination. Absolutely mind-blowing. The visual aesthethics is so catching from day one, and it’s a true inspiration for my album Wotan.

One of the strong points of the series is the original music. Ramin Djawadi is the composer and he does an absolutely phenomenal job.

One of my favourite pieces is ‘The Rains of Castamere’, a song about Tywin Lannister’s victory over vassals led by House Reyne of Castamere, who had rebelled against House Lannister.

These are two amazing covers of it: the first one is performed almost entirely a capella by Hawthorn and Lewis Fitzjohn. Absolutely recommended. You should subscribe to their channels.


I only discovered the second one a few hours ago: An a capella + violin cover by Taylor Davis and Peter Hollens. Absolutely amazing.

If you haven’t watched Game of Thrones yet, watch it under your own risk. There’s no coming back once you start!


Footnote: While I was writing this entry, Google Chrome told me “This page is written in tagalog. Would you like to translate it? Yes – No – Never translate from tagalog”

Apparently I speak tagalog now.

Do you speak tagalog AND enjoy Game of Thrones? Leave your comment!

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3 Responses

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  • Marellus on

    And why should I, the proud lord said, invite you to my hall ? Lions do roar, and tears down doors; are you a cat so small ? That golden coat hides a throat, that fears to make a roar. My roar is loud, so loud my lord; so loud all ears go sore.

    And so he spoke, and so he spoke, that lord of Castamere, as the clouds came to his hall, with not a shred of fear.

    And why must I, the proud lord said, come give my food to you ? Hie off you cat, go chase a rat, and break its bones in two. A lion’s coat ain’t always gold, oh heed your ancient lore. A Lion-lord, turns red my lord; so red from mauling boars.

    And so he spoke, and so he spoke, that lord of Castamere, as a bolt lit up his wall, while ghosts began to cheer.

    • Andres Guazzelli on

      Marellus, that was great! Did you write it? Or is it some extended version I’m not familiar with? It’s great nevertheless!

    • Marellus on

      I wrote those verses myself. See if you can make a video/recording with it, with the final verse written by George RR Martin. I wish you all the best.

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