Being a first time uncle

Yes, I’m a first-time uncle.

It is rather recent, but no that much. It was a process completely unfamiliar for me, but I’m gradually becoming good at it. Step by step. Just like in everything.

Let’s start with the proper introduction: His name is Roman Ariel Garrido.

I must admit, the first two weeks or so were pretty nightmarish. He’s not my sister’s baby, he’s my sister-in-law’s baby, and she didn’t live in the same city, so I didn’t experience her pregnancy either. One day, all of a sudden, BAM! I was an uncle.

I don’t have any blood nephews or nieces, and being the middle child of the youngest son, of (once again) the youngest son, I have always been the youngest cousin. I never spent much time with a newborn, even less got accustomed to one.

First impression was he was SO EXTREMELY TINY! Roman was a premature baby, born at 8 months of gestation.  You could see his whole body wasn’t THAT MUCH LARGER than any of my hands.

As I was saying, first couple of weeks were pretty hard. I wasn’t used to being woken up at 2 am, 4 am and 6 am by his crying. I found myself grumbling so much while I was in bed trying to sleep!

It gets better, though. Once you get used to it, your brain learns to block it and it doesn’t disturb you anymore.

As he grew older, we bonded more and more. At first, it was just by smiling when he saw me. That’s enough to melt the coldest heart, let me assure you.

He seems to have a mild fascination for me. I can’t really explain it. Maybe it’s the deep voice. Maybe it’s the facial hair. Maybe he just likes towering over anyone when I pick him up. I can’t really explain why. One could argue I’m his only uncle versus his three aunts. I find that really flattering! 🙂

I can’t take all the credit, though. He does that with my girlfriend as well, and of course I lose him the SECOND he locates his mom. But hey, how can one compete with his mother? 🙂

He’s somehow weird, in a sense. He’s only 7 months old, but he seems to respond better to sitcoms and TV series than cartoons. We often found him laughing while watching The Big Bang Theory, Friends, or even series like Law & Order SVU, Criminal Minds or Hannibal.

He surprises me everyday. He’s trying to speak. He does say ‘Mama’, but I don’t think he connects the word with its “motherly” meaning. It’s just his way to ASK for something (attention, bottle, pick him up).

Watching him using the baby walker is a sight to behold. He’s only 7 months old but damn, he’s really fast! He has a strong fascination with Tana, Tango, Emily and Hecate (the family pets, two pitbulls and two cats) and tries to pet them every chance he gets.

I realized I love him. I only get to see him twice or three times a week, but find myself missing him the rest of the week. He’s not old enough for us to spoil him, but as soon as we get clearance, he’ll be the first one to learn how to play “Wish You Could Hear

I still ain’t changing any diapers. But I am IN THE ROOM when they do it, so that’s a start 🙂

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