“Return to Mingulay” by AJB’s Oceans 5

‘Return to Mingulay’.

What an album.

I feel like I’m being a little biased towards it, considering I was involved in its creation. On the other hand, I think I can objective about the album as a whole. Some may not consider it strictly prog. And they’d be right. It is not. It’s not prog folk either. Read more

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“Wish You Could Hear” by Nick Katona

“Wish You Could Hear” could easily be the best instrumental song of the year, if not of the decade. This is an epic 12+ minute instrumental rock opera that combines the best of prog & classical music and will soon be considered one of the worlds best instrumentals mini rock operas ever recorded. Pretty sure you have not heard anything like this before, but don’t take my word for it and hear it for yourself.”

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